Steamcraft fejléc

In a dynamic online gathering, the STEAMCAFT Erasmus+ project consortium organizations set the stage for an innovative educational journey. Primary school education is about to undergo a remarkable transformation as students dive into the intricacies of renewable energy and smart city development through a groundbreaking approach.

Key Highlights:

  1. STEM-Oriented Education: The project, titled “STEM-Oriented Education in the Virtual World with Customized Minecraft Modifications,” promises to revolutionize primary school learning. Students will delve into the systemic functioning of renewable energy sources and green alternatives, alongside mastering the methodology and tools of smart city development.
  2. Immersive Learning with Minecraft: Leveraging the power of Minecraft software, the project integrates embedded modifications tailored to enhance educational experiences. Through this platform, students will engage in interactive simulations and quests, fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking.
  3. Pedagogical Innovation: The project’s pedagogical framework emphasizes experiential pedagogy and gamification. By immersing students in hands-on activities and gamified challenges, learning becomes more engaging, impactful, and memorable.
  4. Consortium Organizations: With three consortium organizations at the helm, the project brings together expertise from across Europe. Collaborative efforts ensure a holistic approach to curriculum development and implementation, maximizing the project’s impact.



 Project name  STEM oriented education in the virtual world with customised Minecraft modifications, STEAMCRAFT
 Project Reference Number  2023-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000166153
 Action type, Programme  KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education, Erasmus+
 National Agency  HU01 – Tempus Public Foundation
 Erasmus+ Result Platform  Link